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Drug rehabilitation and addicts

Let's say you work in a drug rehab and this skinny kid is brought in. He is wild eyed, panicking, possibly schizophrenic. During the evaluation his claim to his drug of choice is cannabis. Do you believe him? Could Cannabis have caused this? Or would you suspect something stronger?

Captnron59 9 Mar 9

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I would consider that maybe he's just wired that way or holding back something.


He may be a victim of doped up dope. Pesticides, animal tranqs and opioids have been known contaminnts for unsuspecting pot users. Know your dealer/growers,shop local

paranoia will destroya

@Captnron59 yes, you may be right about that. A recent report of fentanyl laced pot by an Ohio coroner has been debunked. PCP and pot seem to have been mixed. The CIA added Paraquat to pot in the early seventies. Know your dealer and the source still makes sense to me.

@markdevenish or it might save your life.


Unless it's some sort of allergic reaction, I'm not likely to believe that it's "just" cannabis.

you guessed it


I would guess it is something stronger, or could be he only uses pot and is coincidentally having a psychotic break that is not drug induced. However, years ago when I worked in community mental health, we tracked one guy's psychotic symptoms and it strongly correlated with his THC use. It's rare but possible. My brother had schizophrenia and there are lots of other mental health issues in my family...long story but I believe I reacted differently to marijuana than my buddies, so I stopped.


Weed nowadays can be amazingly potent and there have been cases like this reported: at least that's what I was taught when I was taking classes to get my teaching certification 10+ years ago. I assume it's only gotten stronger in the interim, so they could be telling the truth. The other comments here could be right too.

@Captnron The term used in my class was 'psychotic episode' which can be caused by, among other things, severe stress and anxiety or drug use. Smoking weed is probably an unlikely cause for a psychotic episode, or break from reality, but it is possible.

@Captnron59 sorry but 3 % of humanity are highly allergic to cannabis in large quantities. good news if you want your kids can be tested for the marker com-t


Oh yah. I would test for methamphetamines

@Captnron59 yah good point. Synthetic THC can definitely kick one into psychosis


I have dealt with a 36 to grandson who passed away a year ago from a heroin overdose. In his earlier life he smoked weed and drank hard liquor, then began opiods. He smoked a pack of cigarettes a day and continued the opiods but dropped the weed about 3 years ago. Then the heroin. I believe that a confluence of liquor, cigarettes, opiods and heroin killed him. I'm almost 80 and have smoked weed for over 46 Years with no affectation. I wouldn't blame the weed.


Cannbis has been known to bring out katent schizophrenia, especially in adolescents. Not saying it causes it, but it's well known that it can trigger underlying mental I, as can psychedelics.

Bupropion lowers your seizure threshold, but those are two completely different things.


It did me in the end but its not that common.


It could be that he was self medicating with cannibis to calm himself form some other chemical imbalance. When I got my AA in Addiction Studies, I was amazed at how many addicts had a dual diagnosis, and their addiction(s) often was the result of an effort to self medicate a brain chemical imbalance. It woudl seem to me the best way to proceded to be to take him at his word... to a point. I'd tell him that his symptoms seem to indicate he may have a chemical brain imbalance which he may have been inadvertantly self medicatign for with cannibis (which may actually be true). However, when runnign the blood tests for brain chemicalimbalace, I'd also test for other possible drugs, jus tot make sure whatever was goign on, he' dbe properly diagnosed and treated.

@Captnron59 Well, yeah. I never heard of a recovery facility that didn't make sure mo substances come in with patients/clients.


3 percent of the entire human population is highly allergic to large quantities of cannabis resulting in deep psychosis. in the 70's 3 of my friends went nuts and we always thought it was the acid . turns out it may well have been the hash


It boils down to upper vs. downer! Cannabis is for the most part a downer, like max relax! It would seem by observation that he is on a powerfull upper that would do damn near opposite of cannabis sativa! Besides cannabis is natural in the human body and it would make you wanna just chill and it wears off kinda fast compared to the drug he would seem to be under the power of!! I have been there and done that and it is obvious to me and many others that pay attention!! And its not about stronger its a whole nother path or mountain he is crawling up!! Another kinda force!!


It boils down to upper vs. downer! Cannabis is for the most part a downer, like max relax! It would seem by observation that he is on a powerfull upper that would do damn near opposite of cannabis sativa! Besides cannabis is natural in the human body and it would make you wanna just chill and it wears off kinda fast compared to the drug he would seem to be under the power of!! I have been there and done that and it is obvious to me and many others that pay attention!! And its not about stronger its a whole nother path or mountain he is crawling up!! Another kinda force!!

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