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LINK One in five CEOs are psychopaths

"Around one in five corporate bosses are psychopaths - a proportion similar to that among prisoners."

bleurowz 8 May 11

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The corporate system (wherein "stockholders" vote and reward officers based on profit) sets up a situation where the A-type personality wins the game. The caring, empathetic officers are usually not rewarded (very much).


Only one in five?


Just 1 in 5? Seems low.

1of5 Level 8 May 11, 2019

And the other 4 are just greedy assholes


CEOs are the A-type male homeo sapiens competing for resources that get them the toys and women. Since the other human types have been defeated, we are left with the CEOs to duke it out which will result in extinction for them, for us and the earth. in order to be this way, you need to be a psychopath. Bring anyone to mind??

Wonder how it might change those figures to see a world where women executives outnumber the male?

@Healthydoc70 Yes, definitely brings a certain orange person to mind; I was thinking that when I posted, but I wasn't going to say anything.

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