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(Sorry for the wall of text. I can't seem to break up my recent posts into paragraphs.) The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy's 6th book of its incorrectly named trilogy is being dramatised by BBC Raido with the original cast - with some new comers that include Stephen Hawking. Yup, THE Stephen Hawking. The 6th book was authored not by Douglas Adams, of course, but by Eoin Colfer. It is titled "And Another Thing". Here is episode 1 of 6, Hexagonal Phase: [] I don't know anything about this 6th book. Has anyone heard of it? This is the ArsTechnica article that reported this: []

SamKerry 7 Mar 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Disappointing start, but time will tell, or not as the case may be, just reapeting Adams cliches is not doing it for me, I think that Hawking adds a new twist, but the script is poor

I was listening to it in the background. I may have to listen to it properly to catch the cliches. Regardless, I'm a bit doubtful on the book itself - considering that it wasn't written by Adams, himself, that is.

But I found it interesting that the BBC thought to dramatise the book and that they managed to get the participation of their original cast.

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