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LINK It’s Time to Start Calling Evangelicals What They Are: The American Taliban

Or at least they want the saem kind of power.....

snytiger6 9 May 15

Enjoy being online again!

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The right wing are master's at creating particular slurs such as "liberal snowflakes" and spreading extreme exaggerations and outright lies. For example, Obama proposed taking in something like 11K refugees from middle east. Fox news upped the number to 100K. Trump's egregious lie about doctors and parents deciding if they should kill a newborn comes to mind. The left liberal rational people need to get better at spreading a keyword or phrase throughout social media. Naming the evangelicals the American Taliban is appropriate, it is an attack and it is the truth. I'm going to use it every chance I get.


No shit

bobwjr Level 10 May 15, 2019

They are. I always like to respond to them when they condemn Sharia law with: I agree, ALL Abrahanic law is evil.

Alabama politics is also notoriously in the top two states for most corrupt.

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