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If you were theist before: what was the first thing that made you doubt your religion?

Aralt 7 Mar 9

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Went to a bible study..... the more you read, the more questions you have...

... and the fewer answers, and less sense the whole thing makes.


Reading the bible...King James version.

Nena Level 6 Mar 10, 2018

A little tidbit about the King James version - did you know that when the monks were ordered to "re-write" bible they were told to use words that would be more easily remembered by the common people? So there goes the whole thing about the bible being the direct word of God. More like human to human thinking what another human might like.


I was raised in a strict Catholic family. I was a teenager in the 1960s and was very shy (a "late bloomer" ). I went to confession every week and church every Sunday. After an experience being molested when I was younger, I was careful to try to be a 'good girl'. We had to change churches, and I went to confession for the first time at my new parish; when I was finished, the priest said "Is that it?" and when I said yes, he made it clear that he didn't believe me and started to give me the third degree about what I had done with boys, and went so far as to make me feel like a liar and a tramp, when I knew I was none of those things. I ran out of there crying and devastated, and never went back. I felt betrayed that a person who was touted as being the embodiment of God on earth could be so cruel to someone who was being honest.


Well, I was raised Mormon. So... the preisthood ban was one of the things. But I’m pretty sure the homophobic things had a big part in it. It was a while ago. But I could never get behind that. & in hindsight that makes perfect sense for me. Since I am bisexual🙂.

Oh! And I went to school in South Africa for a bit. So being in a place where practically no one was of the same faith as me had me questioning real early.

I was also raised Mormon, but I questioned everything and no one ever had a good answer it was always "god". I also started to realize the churches stance on a lot of things was completely messed up, such as black people being ineligible to hold the priesthood until the 80's.


Whenthe priest stated that anyone who was not catholic was going to hell!

I can relate to this, too. I can also remember working with a lady who told me that she was worried that her elderly aunts who did not go to church every Sunday were going to go to hell. She was Catholic and used to carry a small bible with her, so I asked to see it, and by some stroke of luck, I opened the bible to the passage where one of Jesus' audiences asks how to attain the Kingdom of Heaven, and when he answers, it never says anything about going to church.

So while not wanting to help reinforce her religious beliefs, which I knew were not going to change in a few minutes, i felt i was at least showing her that not everything in the indoctrination in church was backed up in its writings. And she was happy to think that her aunts could go to heaven after all. So I made her day and it didn't cost me anything.


Growing up, it was always a recurring thought to me that god wasn't like most other "friends" I had. I'd never physically met Him, despite claiming we were best buddies. He had more in common with the few imaginary friends I made up as a child. I tried to maintain absolute faith, but that thought kept coming, and it resulted in several severe "crises of faith" over the years.


Hard to say - God making Eve out of Adam's rib sounded fishy

gater Level 7 Mar 9, 2018

Oh, don't go throwing logic into the mix, now, or we'll be talking about how Cain could have married another woman after he slew Abel and was exiled, if Adam & Eve only had two boys? And no one mentions Lilith? She was the fist wife, and independent, as the story goes - Heaven forbid! lol!


For me, it was a people problem that drove me away from organised . The church that I was a member of became increasingly a popularity contest. Who had the most , the most stuff, the fanciest house etc were considered to be more "holy" and "righteous"than we mere plebs who worked our ass off for what we had but didn't have the fancy stuff.

I realized after a while that those holy types were complete hypocrites, interpreting the bible in whatever way suited their own interests best. Every time a belief came up that disagreed or contradicted what they were saying, it was the devil doing it, Satan himself conducting his work and corrupting the dissenter.

The hypocrisy and elitism of the church drove me from faith. I'm a proud agnostic now. I believe that there may be something out there, in fact I think this world is too miraculous to exist without some sort of intelligent design.

However, I'm long past the point of an organization to try and find the answers. People are my issue with


Not the first, but the nail in the coffin was when I took a New Testament as Literature class in college. Finding out that the “gospel truth” was hardly that cemented my doubts on my religion, as well as others. Certain conservative family members of mine would roll their eyes SO hard if they knew it was a “liberal” establishment that eroded my faith, but I’m just thankful I understand myself and the world around me a little better from the experience.

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