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LINK Democrats Against Impeachment Invite Autocracy and a Loss in 2020

It's dereliction of duty by Congress if not outright aiding and abetting


"Long before Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report dropped, it became crystal clear that the sitting president of the United States has committed serious crimes. We need leaders in Congress who are ready and willing to rise to the occasion by checking and balancing the executive branch. Failing to impeach will only embolden our kleptocrat-in-chief.

Many supporters of impeachment proceedings have suggested that the House begin the process immediately. The potential grounds for impeachment seem endless: the president has obstructed justice, colluded with a foreign power, violated the emoluments clause by enriching himself through office, and made a litany of documented lies to the public, the press and policymakers themselves.

But Democratic Party leaders, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have insisted that impeachment proceedings are not a priority. While impeachment is still technically on the table, Pelosi claims that Trump “just isn’t worth it.”"

WilliamCharles 8 May 16

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They first need to investigate and have substantial grounds for impeaching. I do agree however that if the house has evidence they can substantiate then they have a duty to impeach. Ducks in a row time.


Dump the Trump. I thought it was a joke when I heard he was running, for real I did. Then I could not believe the news when he was actually elected. If he gets elected for a second term I very seriously, and honestly I'm leaving the country. I already have a plan to move to Costa Rica.


Things sometimes progress slowly but when they happen it's in the blink of an eye. I know I have changed my mind about the issue and I think a whole lot of other folks have or are changing their minds. When they do impeach the SOB, I want it to be so in your face that it's a slam dunk and I believe we are there or if not almost so.

gearl Level 8 May 17, 2019
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