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Original Sin

Donto101 7 Mar 9

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Yes original sin is one of the more pernicious doctrines of Christianity.

Here's a snippet of an old hymn:

"There is a fountain filled with blood
Fed from Emmanuel's veins
And sinners washed beneath that flood
Lose all their guilty stains."

Now there's a "two-fer": Original sin ("guilty stains" -- out, damned spot!) combined with blood sacrifice. Just imagine being washed in a flood of human blood and finding the outcome preferable to imaginary "guilty stains" and you get an idea of how awful this doctrine is.


Sin comes from the idea of missing the mark of perfection which implies that there is perfection which in turn implies a god setting that target. I agree that this is nothing more than a scam targeting gullible people to try to offer them a level that doesn’t even exist.

gearl Level 8 Mar 10, 2018

Ive said it before , so I,ll say it again the only original sin possible is pineapple on pizza.

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