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Do you remember the first time you saw your Mom and Dad having sex? I do. It is my only childhood memory of them together. He was a bad drunk and beat my mother. I was watching TV about 6 or 7 years old. I suddenlu heard all this unusal ricket from the bedroom. It souunded like a fight. I though my bio gene contributor was beating my mother. I fianally went back and peeked on the door. It looked scary. She was on the bottom and him on top and they were very busy. It scared me very bad. I ran out of the house and as far away As I could get. I could not help her. I went back in the house after he had left for work. It is a horrible memory and the only one of the 2 of them. But I would have killed him when I was 5 if I had a gun. Just wonder if anyone else had an experience like this. I remember it, but I turned out ok.

AntaresRose 8 Mar 9

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I never saw that.

I think that is great. It is not the time. The only reason I saw it was that my father was a drunk and beat my mother. Since I new nothing about sex, I ran to see if my mommy was ok! I survived for an am non violent but tough.

:/ @BettyColeman


Nope never peeked. ...I always knew how pigs cows horses and birds did IT. ...I always had romantic hopes to be cured of my virginity by a wise athletic woman. ...sorry so many girls are scared and lied to about lovers making love

I thought he was drunk and beating my mother as he often did. I knew nothing about sex until some girl in the 5th grade told me. She got it slightly wrong and grossed me out. Later I overcame all that. lol.

@BettyColeman never drove by farms with horses cows pigs even dogs do it ?


Do you ever remember you parents having sex? Your first memory of that.

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