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Pain and Omniscience

Why is it always part of "God's plan" when awful things happen? Like, I have a potentially permanent crippling back injury and that is every religious person's first response. My reply has been that then his plan sucked because I had plans too. What do you respond with that isn't disrespectful when this is said to you in awful situations where this sounds tone deaf and even callous?

kaitlily1973 2 Mar 10

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response....."is it god's plan for you to be such an idiot?"


I live with permanent disabling nerve damage from a spinal injury. No one has said that to me though. Here’s to pain! And survival. Yes, those are my legs.


I think the thing to keep in mind is that the comment was probably meant to give you comfort. It's a kindness they were trying to do but it was lost in translation. There is another saying that has a similar in meaning that you might like better and it goes: if there is a cure for what ailes you then there is no need to worry. If there isn't a cure then there is no use in worrying. Point being that having a mind at rest is important to wellness. It does no good holding on to anger and resentment. That only contributes to feeling worse.

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