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LINK 2019 Australia election: Morrison celebrates 'miracle' win - BBC News

Voting is compulsory. Last election in Australia, 95% of people over 18 voted. It would really be something if 95% of Americans, legal to vote, did so (compared to 58%-60% on average.)

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes it is compulsory to vote here. People are amazed that he won, just like in the US there are uneducated, stupid people who think that they are at the moment accidentally poor. Just wait till he starts to cut services that they rely on.

@SeaGreenEyez Yes he was with the help on Rupert Murdoch lying media just as in the US, but we will fight at every corner.

@Jolanta Fortunately I think the Australian people are still โ€˜Australianโ€™ enough to rock the boat. A couple of bye-elections over the next 12 months could destabilise the Liberal agenda. The good news is with such a small majority they need to listen to the backbenchers. At least Abbot has gone๐Ÿ‘

@Geoffrey51 Yes, every could has got a silver lining.


I think you meant compulsory....and yes I believe it should be made mandatory to vote, It is a civic duty to do so,

@SeaGreenEyez What would we do without it! ๐Ÿ˜‚

I agree. When I first came to Australia I had a few debates saying that I thought in a democracy you should have the right to vote or not. I now see it differently as apathy encourages disconnection from the process. Most people in Australia have an opinion about the political landscape which I am guessing is a contributory factor in why we have so many parties and independents. No matter what your ideology there is someone to vote for pretty much.

@Geoffrey51 That is the only way to make sure people are fully engaged, participating, and fully represented.

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