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LINK Georgia Mayor Says Her City Isn’t Ready For Black Employees | Black America Web

I can't remember an elected official saying something like this since the 1970's.

snytiger6 9 May 21

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That is just wrong on so many levels. You can't fix stupid.


Folks who haven't spent a lot of time in the South and Southeast have no idea how rampant stupid is down there. I realize there is stupid everywhere, but these folks are proud of it and they are in great numbers.

willfully ignorant...why would people choose that? It goes against their own self-interest...million dollar question, I guess...sheesh

@thinktwice They are not all willfully ignorant. A large number of these people were born stupid and will always be stupid. No amount of logic, reason, or education will reach these folks. I don't know if it was all of the inbreeding in the South after the Civil War, but there is something very wrong with these folks.

@Sticks48 I lived in the South for a very long time...I don't think the people I knew were born stupid and many are highly educated...lawyers, accountants, etc. I do think they choose being "ignorant" and have yet to figure out why...I know money is a factor, religion is another...I am more afraid of this group than those being led around like ignorant sheep...

@thinktwice Because of your profession, you deal with a more educated person than I do in mine. I am speaking of the blue collar workers and rural folks, the folks you see at most Trump rallies. These people are seriously stupid. l know a lot of people everywhere with money support him because of taxes and deregulation. They are just greedy assholes.

@Sticks48 I know of those people as well...and most of them are full of hot air and have no is the monied ignorant that appear to be going against every value they have for a short term "gain" are correct...greed and power are more important than values and doing the right thing...


I remember being given the job of screening potential accounting personnel for a CPA firm in Atlanta back in the early 80's...

I talked to a lot of them over the of the partners told me later to disqualify any that sounded "black"...I asked him what that sounded like as I was listening to qualifications...yep, I got fired...

That would be grounds fo ra wrongful dismissal lawsuit. Of course, I doubt anyone would want to involve such persons in their life for the amount of time it would take for the lawsuit to be resolved. Also, employers, at least today, do background checks and look for past lawsuits of potential employees. On the bright side you could tell that story at an interview for future jobs to be sure you worked for people who didn't hold such prejudices.

@snytiger6 Who would want to work for a company with that attitude? It was a blessing in disguise...and it did motivate me not to be that kind of employer myself... 😉


That's the dumbest thing she could say in this day and age. This the 21st century and not the 19th century. That mayor won't get elected for another term.



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