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What small pleasures delight you?

In my profile, I wrote:

"I find the wonder and joy in life. The infinite pleasure in the touch of a hand, the joy of tasting a juicy, ripe peach. Intense, playful, passionate and determined, I have fun every day."

"We all need more low-level ecstasy in our lives."

Living in a triplex, I prune and fertilize rose bushes around the building. I'm the only person who cuts flowers.

Fragrant roses on the table delight me. Reading a beautifully-written passage. My daughter's laugh. Birdsong. Shimmering water. Hummingbirds. Small pleasures.

Barbara Kingsolver wrote the world's shortest sex scene :

"I took his head in my hands and gave him the kiss I'd been thinking about for the last two hours. It lasted a good long while...Just being held felt unbelievably good, the long drink I'd been dying for.

"Something inside his buttoned shirt pocket made a crackling cellophane sound. I raised up a little and poked it with my finger. "If you've got a condom in your pocket, Loyd Peregrina, this is my lucky day."

"He did. It was."

From "Animal Dreams" by Barbara Kingsolver.

LiterateHiker 9 May 23

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i like the smell of chicken fried steak cooking in the neighborhood i am working. it's a popular dish down here.


I love to hear the rain. Doesn’t happen too often in Victoria, Aus at the moment so it’s such a delight when it does.


Yesterday may wife had a hospital appointment and we were quite early so I read to her the first five chapters of Pride and Prejudice, her favourite book, while we waited.


Watch "Pride and Prejudice" starring Keira Knightley. Love that movie!

@LiterateHiker yes superb! The definitive version for me is the BBC 1995 production with Colin Firth as Darcy.


Pizza, mostly. 😁 Actually, vegetarian food in general: lots of fresh fruits, robust garden salads, General Tso's tofu, meatless Mexican dishes, etc., and, of course, cheese pizza.

Leisurely walks, away from the hustle and bustle. No cars, no machinery, no people yelling. A nice stroll through the woods can be quite serene, with only the subtle sounds of nature and the gentle crunch of grass and leaves under my feet to disturb the silence.

Memorizing poetry and speeches, e.g., "Jabberwocky" and "To be or not to be." I've memorized only a handful of works, but I sometimes like to commit to memory something challenging and recite it on my commute, playing with inflection, cadence, tempo, and so forth, trying to feel the meaning behind the words.

Light conversation. Although I detest small talk, a lighthearted conversation with a good friend, sharing ideas about life and philosophy and so on, can be a real joy. I just don't want to debate anything (which is a departure from the temperament of my youth).

Comedy. I love smart comedy and clever wit, but I can also appreciate some bawdy humor if it's more than just for shock value. I attended a production of The Book of Mormon a couple of weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Awaking only to discover I have a few hours before I need to get up for the day — or, conversely, awaking at the time I need to get up and realizing it's Saturday and I don't need to go to work or attend some training or have any obligations at all.

The sound and smell of a gentle rain. It's especially nice to fall asleep with the window open on a summer night to a steady rainfall.


Sitting in my screened-in back porch in the morning, enjoying a cup of hot tea while the birds are singing their hearts away... and inhaling the fragrance of the nearby dwarf Korean Lilac bush as the breeze wafts it inside...


Butterflies. They take off as I approach.

In 44 years of hiking, these are the only butterfly photos I got.

I swear these butterflies were stoned on nectar.


waking up in the morning sunny side up..
Morning coffee with friends
making people laugh first thing in the morning to start the day off on a positive note,
Retired and almost no worries
have my health
relaxing on the deck or in the hot tub
precious like minded friends
children and grand children
looking forward to everyones remarks and insights to further my knowledge
my cat jumping on the bed reminding me it is up time


Honestly if your talking "low level ecstasy" one of my favorites is enjoying a day with the company of somebody special and having them just doze in my arms. Nothing is more special than knowing you make somebody feel that safe and at home.

Toph Level 4 May 23, 2019

The Loss of my Daughter will not let me be UBER HAPPY but... Little Happy I can be and I am every day... Being Shepherded by my Son's German Shepherd... being retired... she is 24/7 on my Keep. Being Grateful for decisions I made in my younger years are paying off as I am Retired and not worried about money. I may be Happier than most Millionaires (they are always worried about money). I am not. I am looking forward to a Healthy Old Age... if I can of course. Every day I wake up with a smile. I hope the nightmare of our unpresident come to an end sooner than later. OH HAPPY DAY!!!
P.S. Looking forward this Summer to visit DC next month, following with Jacksonville and San Juan Puerto RIco. Free to Travel!!!


I'm so sorry for the tragic loss of your daughter. Hugs.

Have you considered seeing a counselor to help you regain joy in life?

@LiterateHiker I am getting counseling... so her mother and siblings She was talented and creative in so many ways with so much in front of her that we just can't just accept she is gone... she inherit from me more than the other two siblings... she was a female me. I will never get over losing her. But she is no longer in Pain and I am Happy because of that, her suffering Ended. Thank You My Friend. Wishing you Speedy Healing!!!


That second of silence before people speak their minds.

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