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LINK This country plans to buy 105 US made F 35 stealth fighter jets, largest ever fleet

Aha! So this is why the Squatter in Chief went to Japan. His New Car Salesmen Manager, John Bolton, sold bombers to Japan and needed the paperwork signed. Now it makes sense.

And the Very Stable Genius had something brilliant to say about the purchase:

Trump, in Tokyo for a state visit, said Japan “has just announced its intent to purchase 105 brand new F35 stealth aircraft. Stealth, because, the fact is you can’t see them.”
SeaGreenEyez 9 May 27

Enjoy being online again!

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hard to even imagine the graft/payoffs that such a huge sale entails.
buncha corrupt assholes spending all that fiat currency on an already flawed obsolete aircraft.
but they don't care. their national debt is already so high that another few 100 billion is immaterial.


I suspect that the mindless trump supporters,(much like the mindless reagan supporters,and same for supporters of both bushes),one day realize the damage these cretins have done to our once great country.Hopefully,the damage will fall on these idiots to a greater degree than the rest of us.


Yup corruption thy name is Republican party

bobwjr Level 10 May 27, 2019

The naked eye can see them! It's radar that has trouble spotting them. That man is a prize idiot.

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