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Why don't African-Americans hike?

I realize this is a sweeping generalization and that there are AA's that do hike. In fact, I've met a couple gentlemen on the trail recently, but by and large they don't and I'm curious as to why that is?

I've hiked all over the US and Canada and have seen maybe a dozen AA hikers in the last twenty years.

GuitarDoctor 7 May 28

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Being out in the woods where anything can happen isn't desirable for me nor people I know... A lot of this has been passed down by relatives who grew up in the South and imparted horrific stories about lynchings and other bad outcomes when black people went into the woods or hiking.


Not cultural ?

bobwjr Level 10 May 28, 2019

They've seen the movie "Deliverance" and they're smarter than us white folks.

Deb57 Level 8 May 28, 2019

My guess is just like why most women don't hike might just be perceived, but I think it is a real fear that would hard to overcome...


I think it's because of their urbanisation/ghettoisation.

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