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LINK Is God Actually The Villain? - YouTube

Published on May 27, 2019
Who are the most iconic villains in film and literature? When we compare them to the God of the bible, how do they stack up? Can the apologists really appeal to our limited human perspective to excuse the God character's harshness?

zblaze 7 May 31

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Why the Hell are you babbling about a non-thing???

This is DarkMatter 2525 Anne, no one is babbling about anything. If you don't like the videos, please Keep Scrolling.

@zblaze the " non thing" is any kind of gawd........


God is the villain of the bible, so why not elsewhere?

Who? What? Where? Jeez Louise!

@AnneWimsey, god orders genocide after genocide in the bible, so he's clearly the villain.


It is estimated that god killed 30 million people just in the Old Testament including women and children. Their sin was for everything from masturbation, lying, being born to wrong parents to not worshipping him. How many of us with kids would kill our children for not obeying us or these things. There wouldn’t be anyone left on earth if we followed this example.

If I had a kid and some fairy tale told me to I would have to give the biggest fuck-you to that fairy tale.

I think that 30,000,000 death toll is letting bible-god off easy. Since humans were supposedly immortal until Eve ate some fruit, and everything that happens is its will, god is responsible for every death that has happened or will happen.


Oh ! I love dark matter!


Even some analysis of the bible has some people saying that God is the villain and Satan was the good one.


Don't think too much about God. We decided to reject the whole bull shit and look forward to science and truth.


Dark matter is one of the YouTuber’s I like watching and have seen this video recently on YouTube and I tend to agree with his content

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