I think this crosses the line into stalking behavior.
I hope when he shows up he's given a very warm welcome. Ladies, always keep a pot of hot coffee ready for unexpected guests.
And bullets in your guns. Close enough for hot coffee is too close. I’ve been stalked before, now I carry.
@CarolinaGirl60 I couldn't agree more. However, I don't recommend a handgun for anyone unless I know them. My advice to women is do not pull a gun on someone unless you have to shoot them. Many women who use a gun to try to scare someone or to threaten them end up getting shot with their own gun. An assailant should never know your armed until you fire.
@JimG I agree with that. If I pull it, I’m ready to fire. If there’s time I’ll give a warning to back off, but I won’t waste time. I don’t have strength or speed on my side(though those don’t batter much with crazy people). I might only have one shot: I’ll take it.
@CarolinaGirl60, @JimG I think pepper spray would be preferable.... or maybe bear spray. Something that is very disabling, but not lethal. If a weapon gets turned on you, you want to survive it.