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More tea excitement! My tea arrived yesterday, and much to my delight there was a sample from the XingYang Workshop included! So I'm having that with my lunch. The pic is of the tea: it is a Shu Pu-erh-stuffed green Mandarin skin! I'm normally a purist with my tea, prefering my Camellia Sinensis straight and unadulterated, but the farmers at the XingYang Workshop have been doing some most interesting things with their aged blacks and pu-erhs. I'm very grateful to be able to try this!)

BookDeath 8 Mar 11

Enjoy being online again!

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You are living the high life, BookDeath.

@BookDeath hahahaha


Tea is good. I made a post on tea awhile back.

I love tea, too. But I can survive on bag tea so I'm always in awe of the kind of mind that lives at that level's not luxury...tranquility? To me the photo above is a well-crafted fiction, someone else's life. BookDeath's in this instance. My goodness, BookDeath, thanks for sharing.
Two questions come to mind, then: How do I find your tea discussion? And, does anyone call you 'roo'? 🙂

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