What limiting parameters are in place for photos to be uploaded here? My phone camera isn't especially good, so i wouldn't think the file size is too large, but every time i try to upload a new photo to my profile, it gets stuck at 28%.
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Thanks, I specifically posted this in the category Site and Customer Service, yet here it has popped up in General and Hellos. That itself is weird. I will fix that.
The location of my posts are often inexplicably changed to "General and Hellos."
It's easy to fix by clicking on Edit.
@LiterateHiker Yes, I've already fixed it, but didn't initially catch it.
Back in autumn 2017 when this site was still quite small (maybe 2000 members?), it was an everyday occurrence to chat with Admin about whatever bugs were cropping up in the code. We fondly nicknamed him Oz for all the magical new features he was introducing from behind the curtains. And he frequently solicited our input.
Now it appears from the contact form that email is the way to go. About 10 days ago I had tried to chat with him like I used to, but I didn't hear back. Chatting with members, now that we're almost 90,000 strong is likely impractical. (I've been gone for over a year) I've no doubt that he's still busting his butt for us, just has to be a little less directly accessible.