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Do you over-think and over-analyze?

All my life I have been one to over-think and over-analyze. I have insomnia really bad. I take 2 Trazadone pills every night to knock me out. If I can't fall asleep until 4 am, I end up tiring myself out from my ruminating thoughts I can't shut off. It helps if I stay busy. I like music, but it's just background noise. Sometimes I can enjoy it and my thoughts will stop. I've been known to think about something and then come up with the worst case scenario. Then a day or so later, nothing bad happened at all. I wish my thoughts would turn off. I use coping skills a lot. Sometimes they don't always work. How do you turn your thoughts off? Do you have any good suggestions I could try?

Sarahroo29 8 Mar 11

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I had similar issues on an off until about four years ago. I met someone that showed me basic meditation breathing techniques without any dogma. I stuck with it because nothing else was working. His site is You can give it a try. Also it may help to talk to someone and maybe write the thoughts down then throw them out or burn them if they get to overwhelming.



I read fantasy books, very well written complex ones.
My mind knows they are fantasy, it allows me to wind down and think about things that are not real, then I am able to sleep.

Soon I'll be back to reading.


Yeah..especially when I have an appointment with my E.N.T or anxiety goes waaaay up.

Is that for cancer? My aunt has stage 4 Melanoma cancer.

@Sarahroo29. Yes, I had stage 3 throat cancer from smoking. That was 3 years ago..I hope your Aunt does well with her treatments, I am sorry to hear it.


Constantly, but I've found that it rarely helps the situation

It doesn't help.


Why yes I do.

Have you tried meditation? Some forms of meditation have you not only concentrating on relaxing your body, in a rhytmic pattern, but also repeating a litany, which can help to smother other thoughts and eventually quiet down to sleep.

This is from my past as a youth, and no, I don't have any books to suggest right off the top of my head. I can research, and will if you wish, then again so can you. What I can't do, is know what will 'sing' to you best. Just shop around and do some skimming and something will 'stick' and that will mean to go with it, give it a try.

Hope this helps.


You are m-oooooohhhhhhmmmmmmm-st welcome. 🙂


No....maybe....I'm not sure. I'll have to think about it.



I used to over analyze until I realized nothing is cut and dry, black or white. Everything is grey, imperminant, maliable and subject to change, so why try to pigeon hole and define everyting.
I have a few drinks to help me sleep (not advocating that). To clear my mind, either music (headphones help) or the old Transcendental Meditation...Ommmmmmmm, Ommmmmmmm. Just close your eyes, relax, concentrate on your breathing and the sound of your voice only. Ommmmmmm.

Yes, I forget deep breaths sometimes.


Oh yes, over think to the point of pain. Routinely awake until 3 AM, hang out in the Insomniacs group regularly. Big part of my problem is a circadian rhythm issue, my body clock runs 3-4 hours behind "normal". By 3 AM it will drop my temp and I will start getting tired.

When I'm trying to push sleep, reading is my go to tool. For decades, I've read almost every night after getting into bed. After getting as comfortable as possible, winter time that means electric blanket is warm, feet on the way to being warm. Reading material, fiction, I prefer mysteries or thrillers, humor or light nonfiction. Nothing that will add to an already over stimulated mental state. I do read on my Kindle these days, set to night filters but I figures out that I must disconnect from the internet, no news, no Facebook.

Everyone is different and sleep problems are different for each of us but this is what works for me. The comfy reading time helps me relax and shift my thinking/analysis to stress free entertainment, relieving me of thoughts about the state of the country/world or my life stresses. Good luck to you!

Oh how I've missed being able to read all the time! I have ADHD and it's worse now as an adult for me. In high school all I did was draw and read. I'm getting an ADHD pill soon. On the 21st.

@Sarahroo29 Never had trouble reading, in fact it is a big escape I think, fully engaged in reading I tend to not notice as many other things going on. My ADHD wasn't diagnosed until I was an adult. It was one of those things they'd never heard of when I was a kid. Back then, "underachiever" was a more common term. That "focused attention" thing would kick in when I read or did art/crafts, still does. Work, not so much.

Started Ritalin at 40, took for about 5 year then decided to go off it. By then the effects were much less pronounced as I'd adapted to the dosage so it was either increase or quit. When I first started taking, it was sure eye opening. That whole distracted, restless, impulsive thing was gone, well for 4 hours anyway.
Hope it works for you and you can enjoy reading again.

@DotLewis I want to finish some books I bought.


My problem is similar but not nearly as severe. Most night survive on 4 to 5 hours of sleep some less seldom more. What I'm trying to do is focus on the most pleasant memory or thought as long as it is a calm but very pleasant situation. It works for me can't say if it would work for anybody else

I'll try that tonight.


Sorry I'm in the boat with you. I mostly just open three or four apps and keep busy between them until it bores me. Hope some other tips help you



My technique for getting to sleep is a bit unusual, but it works for me... the most boring thing in the entire world is local MOR radio stations. So, I imagine I'm a boring, insipid DJ on such a station. I start off with a jingle (my radio station is called PRS-1 for some reason), then play some boring MOR song, then blabber on a bit like boring, insipid DJs do on local MOR stations, have a couple of adverts, play another boring MOR song and so on. I very, very rarely make it to a third song without falling asleep.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 11, 2018

I crack open my bible and like magic-I'm asleep in 5 minutes.

@Sarahroo29 About a year ago, I read the first two pages of Genesis and gave up due to boredom.

@MST3K Lol.


I always do so leave the tv on

I have to have silence while I sleep.


I've heard that it's best to get out of bed and go do something if you just can't sleep. The thought is that if you associate your bed only with sleep, then as soon as you crawl in--you'll be able to hit the hay. If you lounge around in it instead of going to sleep or getting up, your brain and body does not associate it with just sleep, which can continue to cause issues with sleeping.

Mea Level 7 Mar 11, 2018

Oh, I didn't know that. I sit on my bed a lot at night while I'm on my phone. Like I am now.

Honestly, same here, lol. I think that's one of the main reasons I also struggle with sleeping when I need to.


I was told long ago in my College Days by many intellectuals that I "See Too Much" I have an excellent problematic and am hypersensitive. Did I ever latch onto any of it. I was walking a tight rope trying to pay for my "away from home" experience at a University that I was enable to secure with a student loan and the GI Bill and working three jobs in the summer. My Dad passed two weeks before I was drafted into the Army but he made me promise him before he passed that I would go and complete my College and that by going away was the only way that I could fully grasp the being there 24/7. I transferred from a Community College and had to start all over which was another episode that made it all the more enjoyable. Does get knocked down 5 times, get up 6 come into play here. It was a totally different education from those who went to the same school for 4 years, and I think I learned twice as much as they did, but then again I was a Veteran and wasn't into picking the berries, or what concert was I thinking about next. I came to terms with what its all about and I made every second everything I could for all that I could.


When you feel like you have a jabbering monkey on your shoulder and you want it to shut up but it won't a stronger SSRI might help more than trazodone

I fall asleep quick when life is going good.


Can you define 'over' ?


...wait....let me think about this.....


Idk if anyone suggested this- a hot shower before bed. I just took a long, hot shower. My muscles are not tense anymore and I'm so relaxed and I'm ready for sleep.

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