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LINK Black Transgender Woman Found Dead In North Carolina Field

Law enforcement calls her "she," her mother calls her "he" in this interview. That isn't right. 😔 There's no end to the means and ways the most vulnerable in America are marginalized. 😔😔😔

SeaGreenEyez 9 June 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Horrendous act

bobwjr Level 10 June 9, 2019

It seem the more tolerant the majority become, the more fanatical and violent the bigots get.
My gut instinct is to think it is a panic reaction, these dangerous morons actually believe themselves threatened.
What are they trying to achieve? Do they actually think they can kill all non cis people? Or do they think they can frighten the entire LBGT community back in to the closet?
The level of idiocy is incredible.

I think that some people are just filled with hatred and sooner or later they find someone to unleash their hatred onto.

@Charles1971 it got everything to do with Christianity and the pig in the W.H.

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