Wasn't that a given? Did they really need to do research to figure that out. Well, maybe to confirm it... I guess I could see that.
The washington post, and the new york times, no longer provide neutral journals. .. They are promoters of was left non-real ideologies.
And your ideology is real??
While hte rest of the press dropped jounalistic standards, the Washington Post and New York Times have manged to hold on to as much of their journalistic standards as possible. They still check facts.
The facts and wht science shows are basically what the left bases their agendas on. Whiel the right denies science and and established facts. The rioght chooses their ideology and hten goes looking to cherry pick facts to back it up, whle the left looks at the facts and and then creates their ideology based on those facts.
So when a media outlet practices actual hounalism and checks and investigates the facts it may appear to have a liberal bias, because the so-called liberals also base their agenda on the facts and scientific research.
Quite bluntly, the truth itself seems to have a "liberal vias" anymore.
I knew racism was alive and well during the Obama years. Which is truly sad for this country. I thought we were more enlightened than that.
If Ronald Reagan hadn't sold us the "trickle down theory" con, where the rich got richer and working people got poorer, we migh have moved past it. However, over the last 35 yers the middle class has been sliding down into the ranks of the working poor. The right wing has offered up racism to provide the scapegoating needs for those people who have played by the rules and doen everythign they were told was right, but fidn they are not getting ahead but re actually moving economically backwards.They want to blame soemone, and so the right says blame the imigrants and peopel of color or blame Muslims or gays... anyone but the rich who are actualy behind their woes.