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Subaru Impreza or Legacy?

I'm about to pay off my 2012 Kia Forte and am looking to get a newer vehicle with AWD for the winters here in Wisconsin. I'd rather stick with the small or medium sedan and only Subaru makes them standard with AWD. I'm choosing between the Impreza or the Legacy, I know the first is compact while the latter is midsize, but which would be best for a 30 year old bachelor in a place with all four seasons?

TommyRM89 4 June 10

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I found this quick breakdown, maybe it will help. I'd personally go with the 5-door Legacy (or even the Forester instead), but that's just because I would want all the cargo capacity I could get.


I had the Impreza, literally up until today, and while I loved it, there wasn't a lot of room in the rear.

However, Subaru is an excellent manufacturer.

They'll both handle snow just fine, but if I were you, I'd go with Legacy.


My 85 y/o folks love thier Legacy, if that helps. 🙂

1of5 Level 8 June 11, 2019
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