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LINK Oil Tanker Attacks in the Gulf Have US Fingerprints All Over Them - Sputnik International

"It was the Spanish philosopher, poet and novelist, George Santayana (1863-1952), who warned us all: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it".

Watching the unfolding US promoted narrative in the Persian Gulf seas over this past few days and weeks those words should ring loudly in the ears of everyone who values peace and opposes the carnage, destruction and horrific waste of life delivered by war.

If you swallow the American propaganda plastered across newspaper front pages and dominating news bulletins on every Western TV news channel then you really are as bright as a dark night."

WilliamCharles 8 June 18

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And the British Foreign Secretary and leadership hopeful, Jeremy Hunt , repeating the lies as per usual!


And clumsy ones at that.

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