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Poll shows Trump, Republicans have not gained Latino support

Latinos should be appalled by the horrific, cruel treatment of migrants at the border.

"The poll shows that support for the GOP is eroding,” Clarissa Martínez-de-Castro, UnidosUS deputy vice president for policy and advocacy, said in a press release.

“While the president claims Latino support is growing, that is not based in reality. In fact, he has brought down the overall likability of the entire party," she said later in a conference call to discuss the poll results.

A poll of Latinos in four states conducted by Telemundo and Maxon-Dixon Strategies Inc. found similar dislike for Trump among registered Latino voters.

In California, 66 percent said they would not vote to re-elect him; in Texas, it was 69 percent, and in New York City, 73 percent. The number was even lower in Florida, at 56 percent.

LiterateHiker 9 June 25

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No shit after what they have done

bobwjr Level 10 June 25, 2019

about time some common sense is prevailing

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