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An evening with a late musician.

If you could bring back a deceased musician for one night to perform or talk to, who would you bring back and why?

Vipyr82 7 Mar 13

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I would like to spend time with Michael Hedges. His style, his focus, his selfie disopline, his spirituality, his tunings. To meet Michael would be a spiritual experience.


Has to be George Fedrick Handel, 'ombra mai fu' sung by the right person is out of this world, plus all his music is so colourful

DAMIET Level 4 July 17, 2018

John Bonham, hands-down.
A. One of the best ever, if not the best.
B. He was always happy as long as he was playing.
I would just hope that a little of his talent would rub off on me.


John Lennon.


Wow, this is so hard to answer. I think, perhaps, Jim Croce. I think he was a kindred spirit to me, and I would like to hear more of his stories. He often told them in his concerts, he had a way of taking the small experiences of his life, and weaving them into something that made you feel you were there. And that is a skill I would have more of. And I remember mourning him, like I lost a family member. There are others I respect more, but I feel like meeting them would be too much of a "fan-experience". Not what I'm looking for...I want to share.




Freddy mercury


Probably Jim Morrison.


Jazz guitarist Howard Roberts, a brilliant player and world-class teacher. One night would give me a lifetime of material to work on......

jasen Level 8 Mar 13, 2018



Jimi Hendrix or Johnny Winter. It's a tough choice, can I have two?


Jimi , why? how the fuck did you get that good ?


I'd want to hang with Janis Joplin. She was amazing, and lonely. I'd want to be her
friend. Even if it was only for one night.

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