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What is the point of calling yourself poly if you aren't?? I'm poly\open and am mostly looking for casual dating and I'm upfront about this. Guys aft like they're on the same page but....Either are emotional messes, are dating emotional messes, or are cheating on their wives. Wth. Stop dragging other people down with your drama. I just want to party and have fun and meet people and travel. I'm thinking of being a recluse again. I'm over this bs.

End rant lol

Holyhellkel 6 Mar 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Grrl, peope, suck. Do these momos understand what poly means?

Apparently not


Like, ... FAR OUT man... !


Sometimes people are short sighted and stupid.....Lack of understanding makes anything worse. Am glad you feel alittle better after the rant


Actually, being a recluse isn't bad... 🙂


Yes me too but be honest about it and see it for what it is ffs.

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