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I saw another interesting thing on the BEEB this morning . Evidently , H.M.s government is expelling 23 Russian diplomatic staff as they are believed to be ' undisclosed' spies . I never knew that spies were supposed to be disclosed . Quite right expelling them , fancy not playing by the rules. The victim of the nerve agent attack is also referred to as a RUSSIAN spy. He may well have been , but then was ' turned' evidently and betrayed 300 of his colleague ... doesnt this make him a British operative as well as a traitor to his own country ? The protection programme he was living under leaves a little to be desired too. Living in Salisbury ... please!,!

MarcIveson 6 Mar 15

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There's a Salisbury here north of Boston, on the's a dump..

This Salisbury is in Kent ... The county known as the garden of England . Great apples ,cherries and more importantly , hops for the beer

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