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Am I alone because i believe what i believe? I am if i choose to be this way... Hmmm. Awhile back i wanted to explore witchcraft. I found a site on line and sent a question. A guy contacted me. I went to his home to seek information. That's when i discovered he worked where i worked. Small world? Hmmm. I attended some of his classes. He had around 10 followers. Mostly women. His wife was under him, second in rank. I didnt show up for the last ritual. I was to denounce God and Jesus. I was to surrender to a horned God (pan) and the moon God venus. Naw, i couldnt do it. To give up the popular God for a fantasy horned god. I don't think so! Today i believe we there may be a god out there, but we'll never know that for a fact. I believe we're evolved from something else. Who knows. We could be the next extinction and dogs and cats take our place. Thats a story. Who would be their god? Would we be bones in a museum.?

BucketlistBob 8 Nov 14

Enjoy being online again!

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There's a movie for kids and animal lovers about dogs going to invade the earth from the constellation Sirius. They will change their name to GOD and they will call humans PESTS


All the gods are fantasy ...

Gods are all created by men.

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