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What is your favorite coffee recipe?

I avoid making my own coffee at home because I think it takes a lot of work and I'm not good at it, but I'm trying to improve my skills ☕

Aralt 7 Mar 15

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I like the 99¢ refills at the gas station. 13 pushes of the sugar button and 3 French vanilla sauce cups. Idk beyond that, except @AMGT French roast is like drinking the worst bitter tar that leaves a coating on the tongue with such a high viscosity that it just sits there, mocking my gas station special ;P ❤

@ArashL I’m getting to where I could probably knock it down to about 9

@AMGT I love you baby 😉

@AMGT I just got a coffee with only 9. You know, this cup is about 20 oz, not a small cup, so there’s that.


get one of them kettles to boil water in, get one of them things you put on top of your coffee cup that holds a paper filter,your favorite coffee grounds put them in there, boil water pour it in. you know. hints: in my opinion the less metal and plastic the better, so the kettle should be mostly glass, and the better filter holders are usually ceramic, not plastic. good luck. oh yeah, unbleached paper filters.


Get a French press, grind your own beans at a local grocery store. French presses are pretty easy to use and the coffee tastes better. Hawaii grows my favorite coffee beans.

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