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A bit of hypocrisy in that she says she will address the crime problems... when, in fact, she is in fact a part of the crime problem.


Wasn't this the "law and order" candidate?

1of5 Level 8 July 27, 2019

Yup but republican law and order not the same thing


I'm calling bullshit on her claim that PTSD made her shoplift. Number 1, my PTSD never made me black out and do things that I couldn't remember. (Granted, I've done things I wanted to forget.) Number 2, where she even gets PTSD is unclear, since her entire experience comes from volunteer work with veterans.

Likewise, she's the only one who knows that Minnesota crime rates are up 80%. Everyone else seems to think they're at a 17 year low. []

Now, the terrorist recruiting capitol thing... well, Fox news is the one who coined this term, unsurprisingly. 45 members of the Somali community evidently have tried to join terrorist organizations as quoted from the FBI. []
But 45 is hardly a flood. By those standards, the trump administration is the white supremacist recruitment poster boy of the world.

The lack of self-awareness among the Republicans is staggering. Her backwards trump logo in her selfie just says it all to me.

Yup total Bullshit excuse typical Republican strategy

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