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Did anybody watch the Democratic debate on Tuesday July 30th?

The reason of my question is that I observed that Bill DeBlasio was standing next to Marianne Williamson on Tuesday July 30th, he did not make his introduction statement, he was not asked any question during the whole evening and when he went into the stage, he did not shake hands with anybody. He stood there for 2 hours completely silent and doing nothing. Then last night (July 31st), he stood on the extreme right of the screen and participated fully in the debate and even made statements very encouraging regarding workers. He even called Trump a "socialist" for the top 1 % which is actually true. The billionaire class cannot be happier than now. The most amazing fact is that the media never mentioned anything about this.

Condorandino 5 Aug 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I caught a brief coverage in Australia. My take away was what is this circus and who are these clowns?

I was a Democrat until the elections of 2016 and now I feel embarrassed by these clowns. They have no chances in 2020. Trump will play with them like a cat with a miserable mouse.

@Condorandino that is exactly what I thought!


I watched Tuesday and Wednesday. The point is health care for all Americans....but by attacking each other's plans they made health care too complicated. Trump must have enjoyed the show...

You are correct. The Democratic Party is so divided that most likely Trump will win by landslide. Health Care is the MOST important issue but the insurance lobby and Big pharma will not allow to have Medicare for All. One thing that is extremely upsetting is that Trump wants to get rid of Obamacare which forbids insurance companies to discriminate against you due to preexisting conditions. Before I qualified for Medicare, I tried to get Omaha Mutual Insurance to provide me with Prescription Drug coverage and they discriminated against me for having asthma. That infuriated me and I sympathize with everybody who cannot afford the extremely high premiums and deductibles that they have to pay. For me health care is a right as well as higher education.

Good health care is paramount. The doctors, hospitals, drug companies, and insurance companies are ripping off the people. We need a leader to fix this problem. @Condorandino

@nicknotes Agree completely. From my standpoint, health care and higher education are human rights. Unfortunately, it looks like we are not ready yet as a country. We need a charismatic leader, actually like Trump but who cares about the little guy instead of giving everything to the top 1 %

Trump distracts people by stroking their fears of immigrants and brown people. They vote against their own interests because of their fears and prejudice. Ever notice that the poorest states in the USA are red states? @Condorandino

@nicknotes Exactly and they are probably the people who think that he is a patriot "making this country great again" when what he is doing is enriching himself and giving the country away to the top 1 % It is a real tragedy to be ignorant and stupid.

It is a pleasure to find someone who agrees with me.. Thanks....@Condorandino

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