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Led Zeppelin song stairway to heaven...
Is it about a delusional woman wanting to go to heaven? What is your take?

Captnron59 9 Mar 17

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Actually I read an interview with some of the band members and they said it's about a rich little girl who gets whatever she wants


Even Plant was quoted as saying it means different things at different times. But the basic message was supposed to be about duality.


I just love the song and don't think about it.


Some think you can buy everything - but you can't buy your way into heaven.

gater Level 7 Mar 17, 2018

Well, since most tricky lyrics from 70s music are about either sex or drugs, I figure this song is about a woman's drug experience....probably on acid. And even if it is not, it plays well that way in my mind. Led the running for best group ever.

Yep. The. Best.


It's one of the most over-played songs in the world, by one of most over-rated bands in the world.


I think it's about someone who belives that you can buy anything

jimny Level 2 Mar 17, 2018

What? You mean the song about my sweet Satan? You must be playing it the wrong direction.

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