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Juries of laypeople do not have the capacity to find scientific answers. Should sufficient scientific evidence eventually determine that glyphosate should have additional warning labels, then label it.


@Athena Sure if you drink Roundup I’m sure it would be toxic. Most people have enough sense not to do that except for the liberal idiots who don’t seem to have any sense.

@Athena I’ve never pointed a gun at anyone in my life so what in the hell are you talking about? Most mass shooters come from broken homes and are likely a product of the liberal agenda.


trump is nothing but the poster child/judas goat of the wealthy, their corporations who own the Obstructionist Republican Party and a lot Democrats!


Why are you in the conservativeatheist group as you are obviously a raving liberal?


The Trump administration is showing common sense on that. Glyphosate is the number one chemical used in the US. It’s no more a cause of cancer that a lot of other common chemicals. The fact that some looney idiotic liberal judge or jury has ruled against Monsanto on this is ludicrous. It’s only going to cost us farmers and ranchers more money.

They went by scientific evidence not Bullshit emotion same people who developed agent orange think that was harmless too

@bobwjr Then why as the EPA ruled that Glyphosate is safe? You liberals are the ones who allow your emotions to run amok!

@Trajan61 EPA has changed under trump

@Trajan61 still didn't answer about agent orange they denied that until overwhelming evidence proved them wrong

@bobwjr Yes they have as under Obama they did a lot of looney idiotic crap! They’re a lot more sensible now.

@Trajan61 because it’s now under the moronic management of the Russian shill’s apathetic appointees.

@Trajan61 Bullshit

@Killtheskyfairy You liberals blame everything on the Russians.

@Trajan61 any scientific background? I Have so learn and grow up

@bobwjr I’ve used thousands of gallons of glyphosate and I have no ill effects from it. I’ve read about it and there’s definitely no consensus on it being a cause of cancer. You liberal nitwits are costing this country billions with your frivolous lawsuits.

@Trajan61 as I thought no scientific background I have called research at johns Hopkins again you?

@Trajan61 very scientific study of one not everyone get cancer from exposure look at cigarettes just increases the risk

@Trajan61 Nope! Not everything! Just interference with the election getting baby trump installed and giving him instructions to destroy the USA from within.

@bobwjr Cigarettes are a hell of a lot more dangerous than glyphosphate which is a very low risk. Hardly justify’s a multi million dollar lawsuit. You liberals don’t have any sense.

Go bother someone else with your ridiculous emotional rants with no scientific basis where are you getting this crap Fox news trump has done so much for agricultural products hasn't he

@bobwjr Your the one who is ridiculous. Just because there may be one chance in a billion than Glyphosate cause cancer isn’t a reason to file a multi million dollar lawsuit against Monsanto. I know many farmers and Chemical applicators who have used a lot of glyphosate and not one of them has cancer from it. I also know a lot of people who smoked cigarettes and quite a few of them ended up with cancer. I’m glad we someone with a little sense running the country now and not that screwball idiot Obama!

@Athena thanks honey trying to maintain my cool but was starting to get pissed he was a moron

@bobwjr Your the one whose a moron!!!!!

@Trajan61 funny I use scientific logic you spout Bullshit my post fuck off

@Athena You are a very perverted individual.

@Trajan61 no a moral one who served his country believes in scientific method doesn't give a pass to a immoral liar for a President trump,Obama was honest but black go iron your white hood. By the way did you serve?

@Athena thanks sweety you are a love

@Athena I think I'm in love lol

@Athena You liberal idiots are costing this country billions of dollars because of your frivolous lawsuits!!

@Athena, @bobwjr I wanted to serve but couldn’t pass the physical as I was severely hearing impaired.

@Trajan61 I did combat medic flew air combat rescue bled for my country and have a real earned right to my opinion I respect others who served no matter their opinion as they do me called class and respect something you need to learn

@Athena I think I got my point across to him

@Athena me too learned patience forgiveness not so much was being polite how did you like my response

@Athena you too honey

@bobwjr As a private law abiding tax paying business man I’m just as entitled to my opinion as you are as the government rejected me as unfit to serve because of my hearing even though I was willing to do so.

@bobwjr, @Athena And I have no forgiveness for Obama loving idiots.

@Athena Only an idiot would support the looney left wing democrats.

@Athena Most of the intelligent people I know support Trump. Only people looking for a government handout support the looney democrats.

@Trajan61 as usual you are backwards this government is corrupt destroying the country and you blindly support the worst President in history now fuck off before I get pissed at your blind stupidity

@Trajan61 Bullshit corporations got the biggest handout then laid off employees moved out of the country they are the thieves


Trump is trying to destroy the country from within for Russia. It’s the only explanation in light of his environmental onslaught.

You are so full of crap!!

@Trajan61 😆😆😆

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