I had a dream one night that I was talking to my dad in this foyer of a gymnasium. He was wanting to go inside and I knew I couldn't go. We spoke breifly and he started to walk in to gym. I heard a phone ringing. It woke me from the dream. It was my uncle telling me he found my dad in his chair dead. So this seems so incalculable it can't be a coincidence. So what happened? I'm a militant atheist but no longer think our essence ends when our bodies die. Anyone else experience anything like this?
In Jungian dream interpretation, a gymnasium is symbolic of health and fitness. So from that perspective, the dream was exactly 180 degrees wrong.
At any rate, I am not seeing what is "incalculable" or not coincidental about this. I'm honestly confused. Co-incidence is two incidents occuring together. You had a dream, interrupted by a phone call. The only thing you can legitimately conclude from this is that the two things happened together. That the dream and the phone call both involved your father, the odds of that are actually rather high. Do you get phone calls about total strangers? Do you generally dream about total strangers more often than family members?