Just an "I can't sleep" post. Amped up because I had a good day. Those seem more and more rare.
I guess it's because work went well, the medicines are slowly making me feel less uh..like there's nothing in life but hurting. There's video games too. And I've got people on here to talk to.
Still lonely and missing that person in my life, I'll grant. And I have to reconcile the fact that this is temporary. But it's nice to feel okay, at least for an hour or two.
Plus I've already eaten my dietary limit. But I really want some lucky charms or leftover pizza. Gotta wait till tomorrow though..
I'm glad the medicines are working and that you find comfort here. I'm no stranger to that lifelong battle, so I'm glad you had a good day.
I hope you have another good one
So far so good, except work looming tomorrow like an angry boring 8 hour ghost. Darn 8 hour ghosts.
@Ersomething I hear ya. My job is ridiculously stressful and on the weekends I am alone in my office with no coworkers to help. It makes it almost impossible. The only good is I can choose my radio stations OR watch movies if it's slower.
@LadyAlyxandrea Yeah, one of my jobs is a driving job which can be relaxing or super stressful (always driving through bigger city traffic). Music keeps me sane, but I only get 1 day off a week so soon as I start feeling relaxed its back at it.
@Ersomething I only get 1 day off too. Ughhhhh