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LINK Centrists Are Going to Kill Us | Common Dreams Views

A nice little analysis of why chasing the centrist vote is futile; attract a sizable fraction of the no-shows that are put off by business as usual candidates and your candidate will likely ride a tsunami into office.

alliwant 7 Aug 24

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It doesn't matter what the President wants. It only matters what the Congress will pass.lf the Senate doesn't flip we will still be at a stalemate in this country. I will guarantee you won't be able to get enough Democrats to vote for a lot of Progressive ideas, and I do like those ideas. Everyone who doesn't vote is not a liberal. I know plenty of folks who don't give a shit whatsoever about any of this, because they just don't care or they really believe it makes no difference in their lives. I am hoping Warren gets the nod, but I will vote for whoever it is.


Yeah dangerous slippery slope

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 25, 2019

The GOP has gone so far to the right, Democrats have been pulled that way to get anything done. However now republicans are just corporatist fascists in for the 1%, so should not be part of the conversation at all. Especially when the conversation includes Stooges for the NRA, Russia, Big Oil, and Big pharma accusing anyone to the left of them of being communists or socialists for wanting gun control, affordable drugs or green energy.


I'll give you one specific at least where this article has its head up its ass. Make that two.

Clinton did not lose Michigan by being too centrist (because Michigan is a centrist state, where the Governor is usually a Republican and the Dems only come out to vote for the President). She lost by not campaigning in Michigan. Democrats took the election for granted and they lost it. They believed the polls. People lied to the pollsters (it has been proved) because they were ashamed to admit they planned to vote for Trump; especially white women. That's the story.

"Electrifying transportation" sounds great. Who's paying for it? If I could have replaced my 2004 Pontiac with a hybrid, I would have done it years ago. Long term investments in the environment sound great as a grand scheme, but when you get to the level of a millionnaire telling individuals that they will have to replace their gas-powered cars (or when you make your speeches sound like that), then you piss people off.

"Obama was a centrist, but he mobilized progressives". Exactly. So that's what we need. Not a progressive who alienates centrists. (Bonus third specific thing.) This is a thinly disguised pro-Sanders, anti-Biden opinion piece, not an analysis.

Trump “won” Michigan by less than 11K votes. Mueller said there was widespread Russian interference in all states. There was evidence of voter suppression and machine malfunction in Detroit. Claiming Clinton lost because she didn’t visit is rather superficial, victim blaming and in line with republican talking points that the media like to parrot. More people voted for Clinton but not enough to overwhelm the GOP bag of dirty tricks.

Just because you don’t understand how government works and that it doesn’t operate the same as an individual doesn’t mean we shouldn’t work toward new goals. It’s like the space race. I’m sorry you didn’t take advantage of Obama’s cash for clunkers program but that doesn’t mean thousands of others didn’t.

I’m for Elizabeth Warren because she has a plan for everything and after this Trump clusterfuck, we need someone with energy and plans to repair our country.

@Antidronefreeman So, you just described Barack Obama as a Nazi. That is the literal abbreviation of "national socialist", and I'm sure you know it.

I wonder sometimes what color the sky is in your little world.

@Killtheskyfairy It's not "victim blaming" to point out the truth that Democratic strategists thought Michigan was safely in the bag. That's not a Republican talking point, it's history. It's one of any 10 things that contributed to the loss in 2016. Did I simplify for the sake of replying to a simplistic article? (And because it was 3 in the morning and I had no wish to write an article of my own at that time?) Yes.
Russian interference was not opposed by any Democratic effort to get out the vote in Michigan. I know, I live here. But there was a series of huge negative media campaigns by the Republicans designed to rile up their base, as well as underhanded tricks aimed at vote suppression, which is nothing new and which should have been looked into, frankly, decades ago. (For example, signs posted in poor neighborhoods saying, "Due to the expected turnout, Republicans should vote on Tuesday, Democrats on Wednesday". And some people actually bought it, because they looked official.)

Please don't call my baby a clunker. 😉 In any case, she would have been ineligible for the program because she's too fuel efficient. Even now. I still get between 20 and 25 MPG.

@Paul4747 So Michigan didn’t vote for Clinton because she didn’t visit. Is Michigan filled with voters with the emotional intelligence of 5 year olds? She lost by a slim margin. Was that the bunch were pissed she didn’t show? Alrighty then!

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