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LINK Probe to find cause of boat fire could lead to criminal case

Really? A crime? Now that the time of useless "thoughts and prayers" is past and the deity didn't help then maybe a lawsuit will appease those who lost someone. (sighs)

IAJO163 8 Sep 5

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Definitely needs an investigation. That particular boat had been safety checked, but accidents happen and there was only one escape ladder, very standard. I don't know enough about how the crew sleeps on that boat, only they got off. And them being on deck at 3 am probably is normal. I'll wait for results; that said, that one tragedy may result in sweeping laws making those boats easier to escape, not unlike our other tragedies - oops, misspoke.

I just think that lawsuits aren't necessary and shouldn't be attached to certain tragedies when no one is truly at fault. Blame the resident deity and ask why nothing was done to help.

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