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LINK Chained to its Past: A German Formula for Injustice toward the People of Palestine | Global Justice in the 21st Century

Chained to its Past: A German Formula for Injustice toward the People of Palestine

"The GermanBundestag resolution on May 15ththat condemned the BDS Campaign as contributing to a rising threat of anti-Semitism in Europe is a grave cause of concern. It brands the BDS, a nonviolent Palestinian initiative, anti-Semitic and urges the German government to refuse support, not only to BDS itself, but to any organization that is supportive of BDS. It takes this stand, pointing out Germany’s special responsibility toward Jews, without any reference at all to Israel’s prolonged abuse of the most fundamental of human rights, that of self-determination, of the Palestinian people. The German resolution also fails to refer to the important role that an earlier BDS Campaign against South African racism played in bringing about a nonviolent end to the apartheid regime, and that even those who opposed BDS on strategic or pragmatic ground never sought to demonize its advocates."

WilliamCharles 8 Sep 20

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IMO this is a problem caused by silly fairy tales and the people who believe them. Jewish people are universally disliked because they believe they are chosen by god and the rest of us are just put here to be plundered. The Old Testament Torah is just one story after another of Israelites preying on others and stealing their stuff or stronger people doing the same back to them, all supposedly supervised by the sky fairy. This land is mine, god gave this land to me, goes the Exodus song. This is their justification for stealing Palestine land. Germany did an awful thing, again justified by religious stupidity and may still owe some restitution, but this continued support of a made up story is why this problem won’t be solved in my lifetime or beyond.


spent 3 1/2 in germany. can't believe a country with so many intelligent ppl could make so many bad/dumb decisions. let all the refugees in. shut down clean nuke energy & are now burning more coal. & the list goes on.

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