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The Greeks have a word for what could bring Trump down

"Hubris, the Greeks tell us, can be the final downfall of the mighty, especially the mighty whose most salient trait is extreme arrogance."

New Word-of-the-Day

Oleaginous. adjective

  1. having the nature or qualities of oil.
  2. containing oil; producing oil.
  3. unctuous; fawning; smarmy.

"But if Trump does fall, it will be in large part because he has believed the oleaginous praise he demanded. He bought his own over-the-top marketing campaign about himself."


LiterateHiker 9 Sep 27

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I remember Oliver Stone's "Nixon" that emphasized the Shakespearean tragedy of Nixon's downfall, and how his tragic flaws and hubris brought him down.

I can't wait for the Trump movie...although it can't be as outrageous or dramatic as the real thing.


New one

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 27, 2019

Here is the correct way to pronounce this word ,had to look it up o·le·ag·i·nous Thank @LiterateHiker,,Your are our new word of the day Lady 🙂


I just have to say, I think you're awesome! Love the posts! And I love learning new words! I might need to look up pronunciation, though... cheers!


Aww...gee...shucks! (Sound of scraping hiking boot).

High praise. Thank you.

@LiterateHiker or am I just being oleaginous??
Lol jk


Love the funny contrast of your picture, "My Mama says I'm special," with your username, Nakedterror.

I picture a naked little kid running around, creating mayhem.

@LiterateHiker that's not far off though. 😂

@LiterateHiker usually because of too many questions. I fully own that I was "that" annoying child...


"You little shit!" my mother laughing called me.

For years, I thought that was my name. (Joking)

@LiterateHiker see? It takes one to know one 😄


I need to brush up on my vocabulary. Great post.


This is no less fantastic than 'religion'; than standing atop a hill looking in the distance with expectations that Jesus is on the way. Do you think that delusions have to be limited to thought systems that contain gods?


He thought that he could shoot someone around many witnesses and get away with it. History has just got to prove him wrong. What may be more important: the public has to learn him wrong. Anyone who says such things should not become president.

MrDMC Level 7 Sep 27, 2019

Before I even clicked to open your post, the word "hubris" was in my head.

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