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When I went to the hospital, they asked me what my religion was. I said Agnostic. They said that was not a religion & finally settled on "No Religion".

I understand members of the service who are agnostics or atheists are given dogtags that say, "No religious preference" They do have a religious preference--agnosticism or atheism.

A religion is a belief system, Agnostics & Atheists have definite beliefs, , although they may need to be more clearly articulated.

Partly this situation is caused by discrimination on the part of government & society, but partly it is because members of our community have not taken the initiative in promoting our beliefs as a religion.

If Agnosticism & Atheism were recognized as religions, we could get the tax breaks & other benefits religions get.

I can see battles over people not wanting an Atheist Church in their neighborhood, supposedly over parking when they are really afraid of Satanism, but I'm sure these issues can be overcome

Remiforce 7 Sep 28

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Oh hey ya! We could have priests, and debate about their sex, we could attend services & take $$$$$, we could build cathedrals, initiate holidays to commemorate...what, exactly?
WTF are you smoking....?


"They said that was not a religion"

First words out of my mouth are, "NO SHIT!"

I had some Haitian reverend come into my room when I was in the hospital a few months ago. I told him I was Atheist just to make him go away. He said he wanted to debate me and find my reasoning. I told him I was already doing that with my doctors and didn't need anyone else to debate.

He never came back.


They were right at the hospital ~

Addition: ..back in the day.. a guest speaker at our American Atheist chapter meeting was a rep from the IRS. In the era of reagan.. They were more than prepared to keep Atheism from receiving the tax breaks of churches/ religions! I can still visualize the smirking prick ..getting off on denying us what his filthy ilk skims from our taxes…

...but afterwards, most decided we didn’t want to sink to their level of parasitism - and would continue challenging them in both society and court. So, no thanks ~

Varn Level 8 Sep 29, 2019

"No religion." Works well, does not force people into corners and keeps us together.

3 you understand/have you ever read the definition of those words? Just put "other" on those questionaires. It is Nobody's business at all, ever.



This may appear an oxymoron. In some people's minds, Agnosticiam /Atheism & religion may appear opposites, but are they. Both are fundamentally belief systems, although they may believe different things. I believe we can circle this square


Disagree. Atheism is the opposite of a belief system. It is the absence of an organized belief system. I do not know about Agnosticism, I do not prescribe. Agnosticism, IMO, is akin to Pascal's Wager, trying to hedge your bet and not committing.


I'd love it ....mainly for tax purposes. But getting atheists to gather to a same point and place is kinda like herding cats.

Also a small part of me would love to see hiw religious people, mainly the nutty ones, would react to it.

Seeing how religious people react to it would be fun. We could make a big civil rights type campaign & demand the same tax advantages & other priviliges their churches have, screaming loudly about religious discrimination


The problem is that a religion has a SHARED set of beliefs held by all members of that religion. Atheism and agnosticism do not have this. There is no doctrine. There are only things that individuals tend to believe.

This seems a problem. Making a religion out of Agnosticism or Atheism is like herding cats.

On the other hand, I believe there is a set of core beliefs that can be shared. Agnosticism is fundamentally a search for truth, & truth can be seen as the ultimate good that can be revered, if not worshipped.

Doctrine based on scientific inquiry & critical thinking can be developed. Ritual can be developed also. Perhaps the symbol of agnosticism can be the golden question mark. Readings of the Principles of Agnosticism can be done at meetings & members can be encouraged to share their personal stories of their liberation from ignorance & fear through Agnostic Principles, like an AA meeting or Evangelical service.

Atheism will be trickier, as it is based on a core belief that god does not exist, a negative. But if god does not exist, what does exist. Unless one is a complete solipsist, something does exist. Participants will be encouraged to seek to discover their own personal relationship to reality as they experience it

The danger here, especially with Atheists, is this shouldn't be an intellectual, philosophical B,S session. We must develop tools to help participants explore an emotional connection with the reality of their being.

@Remiforce No sorry, almost all those definitions are in error, best do an online search for the up to date usages. Include also Humanism and Deism.

@Remiforce Agnosticism is being unsure whether you believe God exists or don't believe God exists. Also, atheism is not "I believe God does not exist." It is "I do not believe God exists." You seem to have a misconception of what the terms mean.


No but religious beliefs should not continue to have more rights and protections than other values systems.

MsAl Level 8 Sep 28, 2019

Religion is priviliged in our society because it is organized & assists with social control. It appears Agnostics & Atheists have never attempted to really organize

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