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Another bible thumper q&a

I have a thumper at work that is always trying to get me. Her latest question....

Co-worker: if you don’t believe in god, where do you get your morals from?
Me: like you, I was born without morLs and was taught to have respect don’t kill things and be loving and honest.
Co-worker: I learnt from bible all those things.
Me: Speechless

Cheril 3 Sep 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Like not eating shellfish and murdering Egyptian children and stoning female adulterers

Great moral code!


Me: You were still taught all those things by someone telling them to you, they just told you where they learned them, which was someone else teaching them. All religions to some extent teach morals that are similar, are all thier holy texts right or from god if they teach the same things, despite it comjng from different gods "mouths"?

1of5 Level 8 Sep 30, 2019

Is he a southern baptist? The recent civil war quote that Trump retweeted came from a SB preacher.

Nope, good old New England.

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