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Tired of people thinking liberals are so bad...I can't speak for all but felt this post says a lot for those thinking they are.

mistymoon77 9 Mar 21

Enjoy being online again!

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That pretty much sums it up.



  1. an individual, whose thinking process has been
    rendered impaired by political correctness and the
    failure to understand that people are responsible
    for their actions and the world does not owe lazy
    or stupid people a living.

I also got this: As repetitive as it sounds, it stands for "liberal retard."

A libtard wants to live in a fantasy world (in which life is the way that they WISH IT WAS) as opposed to dealing with life the way it actually is.

(This explains the religious fervor that many of them demonstrate when it comes to smoking pot).

The most idealistic libtard envisions a time when science/technology and Socialism will eliminate all poverty, hunger, war, disease, injustice, unemployment and prejudice. (It is a nice pipe dream but human nature will forever stand in the way of that goal).

Most libtards subscribe to the notion that "people are basically good", and build their foundation for activism and "improving the human condition" on that faulty premise. Because they deny the facts about human nature, their "reasoning" is diametrically opposite to common sense (blue states vs. red states).

The reality that people have different initiative levels, are basically selfish, and often work for their own interests before helping others, puts a libtard's panties in a wad. So, when citizens will not voluntarily comply with various libtard prescriptions for "the common good", then laws must be passed, or force used, to MAKE them comply. (It is the gradual path to totalitarianism).

Likewise, his/her naïve cries of: "can't we all just get along?" and "there is nothing worth dying for" are red flags for anyone with a clue.

Metaphorically speaking, a libtard is a sheep who thinks that their grasp of diplomatic nuance or metaphysical sensitivity will prevent their flock from being devoured by the world's Islamic/Communist wolves. When America, the sheep dog, responds to wolf attacks, the libtard judges these defensive actions as offensive and wolfish.

Since libtards are unable to recognize our enemies for what they are, they cannot be trusted to safeguard our future.

I am not mentally challenged... (retarded) so sad that people came up with this term for being a Liberal.

@mistymoon77 Conservatives have tried to make the word liberal a bad thing. I'm a proud liberal and I'm not out of touch with reality. I just want to fight for justice and equality. If we give that fight up to the conservative agenda this country is lost. The world is headed back to the dark ages.


I try not to let that get stuff under my skin.
It's an opinion I don't care about from an ignorant person I don't care about.

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