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LINK NFL fines Saints' Demario Davis $7,000 for 'Man of God' headband - AOL News

In this very diverse nation this is called ... ?

IAJO163 8 Oct 5

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Considering how they treated Colin Kaepernick, (SP?)...this fine is small stuff.

I'm not referring his fine. I think they need to leave their religion in church. I'm getting tired of them telling us that god is the reason that they play violent sports.

@IAJO163 "Onward Christian Soldiers" doesn't appeal to you? 🙂


In this case the Saints eked out a win without the headband.


Its called "unapproved advertising". The NFL has very strict uniform rules and if he didn't have the headband preapproved as an addition to the uniform then he'll get fined for it.

1of5 Level 8 Oct 5, 2019


@IAJO163 pretty sure he can ask to have it approved, not sure if they would or not.

@1of5 It's not. It's a violation of NFL rules to wear printed propoganda.

@IAJO163 good 🙂

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