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I know... You believe all sorts of conspiracy theories.

It's interesting. Haven't looked into it enough to determine whether or not it's a "conspiracy theory"

@jniece So... What's the deal? You make a post without checking to see if is even valid or truthful? That's interesting.

@RiverRick I made sure source was credible. Don't want to spend time vetting it further because there are far more important things to focus on at this time.

@jniece That's what all conspiracy theorists say! Followed by, "I just know, ok?" or "Look, I've done the research... now you do yours!" Your post has been debunked by credible sources. You see what you want to see or what you have been targeted to see (ala Facebook)... The same thing has happened to friends of mine. It is strange because we grew up believing the same things. Now after his late night YouTube and Facebook forays since he can't sleep at night... He now thinks we never landed on the moon, 9/11 was a hoax and Hillary is into child porn based in a pizza parlor.


People fall for this stuff. LOL


Old, OLD "news...and being dragged up now because....?

Good point … been wondering the same regarding this one’s posts.. Bullshit Burgers ~

A friend sent it to me. I didn't know it existed till now. thought it was interesting.

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