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And did even one of them go, "huh?"

I'm sure they didn't... and there was a rousing cheer.


This is such a challenging one. The guy is clearly mentally ill and if it were anyone else my compassion meter would be running pretty high as he is delusional, has OCD and probably a couple of other conditions running.

But it doesn’t. His megalomania is pathological and if expressed by a member of the public he would be being treated in a secure unit as a protection for society.

Let’s hope he gets out of office soon and gets treatment, that would be unlikely though!

He pretty clearly sees himself as the center of the world and lies in any way he can to inflate his own ego and self-portrait.

The worst thing, to me, is that his followers accept his fictions uncritically and see all the fact-checking as attacks, not as reality. This is possibly because they've tied their political and personal identities to his, and so they can't bear to think they've been so foolish as to bind "their names, their fortunes, their sacred honor" to a con man and a liar. It's also very likely because Trump is so good at attracting those whose tribal instinct outweighs everything else, and when the head man of the tribe is "attacked", their only response is to circle the wagons. I haven't completely given up the idea of reaching Republicans through appealing to their rationality, but it does seem more hopeless by the day.


...and they probably couldn’t give them all away!


I don't think he is capable of telling the truth!

One of his NY friends said, "He'll lie about what time it is, for the practice." That was a friend.

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