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Do you as an atheist feel more intelligent than believers?

Now it has been proven.Yes you are.Some 63 psychological research reports were conducted and they concluded religious believes had a lower IQ Their report was published in the May 18, 2017 Newsweek.


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It is difficult to say we are more intelligent than they are, but they hang to their believes even many times when the evidence before them suggests otherwise. i've often come to the conclusion that it goes back to THEIR childhood, when their parents introduced them into the world of religion, and it was done in a well meaning way. as these people grew into adulthood, even when they began to see thru and suspect that it wasn't quite what they had always thought, they ran into THIS one thought, "would MY parents ever have intentioanlly lied to me"?....and THAT question stops them cold !!!!


Of course our group is smarter than their group. Always. We researched it 63 times it always came out the same. WE ARE THE SMARTEST!!!


I don’t feel I am moe intelligent, just a lot more open-minded.


I beleive many are rather intellegent, it's just that they choose to be stupid or ignorant and therefore don't seek knowledge in the same way.


If you imply seeing facts rather than myths and "faith" -- yes. This further implies that the aethiest can discern facts from myth, apply critical thnking skills, research a question and examine multiple facets of the issue, -- all hallmarks of advanced reasoning skills.


Probably not.


Inasmuch as I don't believe in things that don't exist, sure do.


No I have some brilliant friends who believe in the higher power. I think some of them are hereditary Christians and some feel like it is a good role model for their lives.

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