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They are so full of shit. They have no balls. They have a history of this crap. They don't want to die and they don't want to go to prison. They are folks with medium to low double digit IQs who couldn't organize a pantry much less some kind of revolt.


I don't think cowboys and mountain men can defeat military soldiers lol


Glad vigilante action and Wild West cowboys have not gone out of vogue in the south thar, boys.

Where are Lee J Cobb and John Wayne when you need them!


The extreme cowboys must think the rest of us are cattle. Stay still and get branded you peace of meat and be sold as Trump steaks.

Yaeh ain't, the boss of me, redneck hic. Yeah can't catch me, nor can your bully God. Just get along little doggy.



Total nonsense. Why don't they just ask their imaginary sky buddy to SMITE us?

Why not delusional

@bobwjr I can just imagine him, masturbating away while imagining himself leading a PRAYERFUL POSSE...searching for those who fail to pray to the PUSTULE.

@LucyLoohoo no shit lol

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