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Thought about this?

What and why am I?... I don't believe I have a soul. I believe I am a soul and have a body. That doesn't answer why I'm here... Below is a whimsical thought about our existence.

The Entities

 Just think. A life form that's reached the epitome of existence. They had shed their need of physical forms and elevated their mental capacity to all knowing. Time, telepathy, telekinetic powers, even the powers to create anything imaginable was theirs with just a thought. Boredom was plaguing them. They were losing the will to exist. One entity was the hub of all major thoughts and decision making. He filtered the suggestions prior to passing them to the masses. Sheer boredom was causing many, mental anguish to the extent they were were either contaminating the others with illogical thoughts or they simply stopped existing. Boredom was poisoning their lives and killing them. They had become Bi-polar drama queens. The masses knew excitement would counteract the boredom but how could there be true excitement if they controlled everything? That was their ticket. They would relinquish control. They started slow. As outsiders looking in.
 They created a world filled with flora and fauna. Plants and animals inhabited their new world. It was fun watching the various life forms struggle for existence and space. The flora fighting for nutrients and sunlight while developing different defenses to the fauna that devoured them. Watching the wars between different life forms was fun. The entities chose species to help in their struggle to survive and supplied them with weapons and armor through mutation of the offspring. Working with the plants and animals was more work than pleasure. Their mindless species simply lived to reproduce. Nothing more. The entities needed to ramp up the game. Make their charges have larger and more intricate lives. They created mortal humans. Watching the humans interact was fun at first but it was like watching a movie over and over. Something was still missing. They needed to be a part of the scenario. They needed to be encapsulated inside the human and feel what they feel and experience their lives “on the stage”. Their method was brilliant. An entity would be planted inside an unborn child. The entity's memory would be erased leaving just the basic functions required for survival much like we reset a computer to factory settings. Now the entity would feel, see, taste, smell and touch everything the human does. (The movie AVATAR transferred the human into the Avatars body telepathically too.) The entities Loved the drama and excitement of a new beginning. Starting over in a new form from birth to death. Tasting, smelling, feeling the emotions both high and lows, living the challenge of surviving in a harsh environment. Their craving for excitement was fulfilled. They did install a few warning tools to help preserve the human from danger. A sixth sense comes in handy. They also installed different levels of fear. The lower levels included stage fright, fear of rejection, the fear of losing along with stronger fears like the fear of death. The fear of death is the lock on the door that keeps them on stage. Otherwise, the human would choose to die rather than fight. Simply take the easy way out. The entities understood “what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.” and they wanted their mortal shells to fight and survive. That is why they keep the step past death a secret to their mortal shells. We fear the unknown and we don't know what happens when we die. Do we just float in space? Do we just stop existing? Do we enter another living form like an ant or a frog?Are there levels of lives that we graduate to? Can we be demoted for quitting early? Can we skip a grade by excelling in this life?... The entities made it plain to us that suicide is a very permanent solution to a temporary problem. Our fear tells us there are consequences for quitting the game early. Also they built in a few moral, or ethical rules needed for the humans to survive in a society. These tweaks can be over ridden by the entity at their discretion. That keeps them with a free will. 

Let the games begin.

 The people sensed there was something inside of them. They also sensed there were super powers that created everything. They named the thing inside of them a soul  (among other names) and the super powers were their gods. Through the ages, people from around the world have developed forms of religion. Often describing Gods, spirits, heaven and hell. The Greeks and Romans had several Gods from supreme beings to half God, half human and even creatures that are half animal and half human. The entities were alive. There was so much drama and uncontrolled violence for them to experience and emotions they hadn't felt for a very long time. Life was fun for the entities. Egos clashed and mental problems developed among both man and the gods. They both found they could have compassion towards someone with a broken leg and want to help them but someone with a broken mind just pissed them off. Those that didn't see things their way were their enemies. 
 Life was becoming simpler and more complex. Entities were circumventing the rules of memory deletion and began taking a short-cut to the full grown human form and breeding with the mortals. Their offspring held great powers in a human body. Many of their half human offspring became leaders in society . Many Pharaohs were looked upon as Gods. Many rulers were believed to have superhuman powers. Other creatures were also created. Flying dragons, multi headed dogs, wizards and monsters were polluting the population by creating a more diverse and inhuman offspring. That's not what the entities had in mind. Interactions between the entities and the humans was out of control. Excitement and drama was great but there had to be boundaries set. Uniformity was required for this game to survive.

a correction

Seeing the planet is out of control, the entities decided to make a change. Entities were no longer allowed to take a short-cut to human form and breed with the humans. All flora and fauna must follow a set method of progression. Genes could no longer be altered to create new species. Only natural mutations would be accepted. To restore some form of control to the situation, the entities created a human and claimed he was the son of God and there would be only one God from then on. This put the binders on the out of control lifestyle of the crazier entities and slowed the action down to a more controlled pace. The only entities allowed to interact with the humans were known as angels and their only mission was to inform humans of the new Gods word. They still have some drama but not as wild as before. Today we look at the Greek and Roman religions as myths but the truth is, “We don't know.” Because it's hard for us to imagine Pan, Medusa and flying dragons. Maybe we can't rationally imagine them but that doesn't mean they didn't exist. If the entities can create heaven and earth, I bet they could create anything they could imagine. Even fire breathing flying dragons. I wonder why they kept the Platypus and not the Unicorn. The Greek and Roman religions lasted for thousands of years and writings about their Gods have lasted through time along with the ruined temples built for worshiping them. People spent allot of Time, money and effort immortalizing these religions. Maybe they weren't myths?....A side note.... When the entities took the shortcut into a full grown human form without deleting their memories, they used a tool to help inject themselves into the body. This tool left a mark just below the eyebrow along the outside of the eye. For some unknown reason, this mark continued showing up on their offspring from the human relationships. The mark has continued and is continuing today in their descendants. These gifted offspring have extra sensory perception among other abilities along with a high I.Q. … They are capable of clairvoyance, mental telepathy and several other gifts from their entity parent. Unfortunately, these gifts are like any other muscle and must be developed at a young age or they atrophy and fade away. Just for grins, look in the mirror and see if you have a mark just below your eyebrow near the corner of your eye. During the dark ages, this was known as the mark of the devil. Witches and warlocks were known to have the mark and “super powers”... Think about it....

Breaking the rules

 Eons past from the stone age to the bronze age. A few millennia past between the bronze age and the industrial age. A few centuries past from the industrial age to the computer age. A few decades past between the computer age and the internet and super computer age. Today, new profound technologies are being discovered every few months. Progress is at hyper speed. The entities may be behind the miracles we see. More drama... More fun?....They love fast and loose thrills, excitement and stress. Who can say what they are doing.


Ghosts and spirits roaming the earth may be entities that have lost their human host but aren't quite ready to quit the party. Stories are told around the world about encounters with ghosts and haunted houses. Are they not willing to take the next step? Maybe they just can't accept “game over”. Maybe the entities are so engrossed in their life “on stage” that they simply can't accept the fact that it's over.... Much like we become so engrossed in a good book or movie, that it's a downer for us when it's completed. Maybe it didn't finish to their satisfaction. Main thing, there's been way too many reports of ghosts and UFO's and the supernatural for us to simply claim them all as false. We have come a long way but we haven't discovered the answers to everything yet.


 Mankind has progressed to an unexpected level. Today mankind is busy deciphering the genetic code, editing the DNA to repair birth defects and to eradicate some diseases. Stem cell therapy is curing allot of physical maladies. Along with combining computerized technology in artificial limbs, pace makers and a sundry of  other methods of incorporating computerized robotics into the human anatomy. Are we becoming androids? Humanoids? How far will we be meshed with computerized robotics and still be human? Computerized robots are already becoming our workforce. There's no job in the near future that a robot will not be able to do better than a human. In the age of robots, how will we know who has a soul? How will we know who is a human and who is a robot? Will we see it in their eyes. Will we just sense it? 

What goes around...

 Scientists are rewiring the brain with new technology allowing us to connect with other computers telepathically. We could call it blue tooth? Will we have twelve years of schooling on a chip implanted in our heads? What else can we put on a chip and plant in our minds?
 They also have sped up the aging process in Salmon so a salmon will age three times faster that a normal Salmon

. If they can speed up the aging process, they are a step away from slowing it down. Maybe even stopping the aging process... Another word for stopping the aging process is “immortality”. Now who will have access to immortality? I'll give you a hint. The very rich.
The rich immortals will have a problem with the unemployed mortals that are using up the natural resources, polluting the environment and breeding like rats. How will they deal with them? How will they distinguish the real human mortals from the androids or whatever else that is running around?
Science will keep snowballing at hyper speed until the humans have found a way to shed their human form and become like their creators. Will the entities earthly form return them to their natural form before the games began? Will they once more become entities?.. Have fun and enjoy the ride....

We, you and I, are the entities.... We are addicted to the activity and seek more... Our forefathers lived a slower pace with fewer modes of entertainment. Today, we as a whole, spend our waking moments interacting with our cell phones, computers and TV's. Our attention span has shrunk to seconds opposed to our ancestors who could spend hours, even days, concentrating on one subject. We get bored and change the channel without giving the plot time to thicken. We, as a whole, are nearing the end of the ride yet we can't take the time to look down the road far enough to see it coming.... Maybe it's for the best.....

P.S. You can use this thought to write a book, make a movie or start a new religion.... Your choice... It's free for you to use as you see fit.... Have fun

What and why am I?... I don't believe I have a soul. I believe I am a soul and have a body. That doesn't answer why I'm here... Below is a whimsical thought about our existence.

The Entities

 Just think. A life form that's reached the epitome of existence. They had shed their need of physical forms and elevated their mental capacity to all knowing. Time, telepathy, telekinetic powers, even the powers to create anything imaginable was theirs with just a thought. Boredom was plaguing them. They were losing the will to exist. One entity was the hub of all major thoughts and decision making. He filtered the suggestions prior to passing them to the masses. Sheer boredom was causing many, mental anguish to the extent they were were either contaminating the others with illogical thoughts or they simply stopped existing. Boredom was poisoning their lives and killing them. They had become Bi-polar drama queens. The masses knew excitement would counteract the boredom but how could there be true excitement if they controlled everything? That was their ticket. They would relinquish control. They started slow. As outsiders looking in.
 They created a world filled with flora and fauna. Plants and animals inhabited their new world. It was fun watching the various life forms struggle for existence and space. The flora fighting for nutrients and sunlight while developing different defenses to the fauna that devoured them. Watching the wars between different life forms was fun. The entities chose species to help in their struggle to survive and supplied them with weapons and armor through mutation of the offspring. Working with the plants and animals was more work than pleasure. Their mindless species simply lived to reproduce. Nothing more. The entities needed to ramp up the game. Make their charges have larger and more intricate lives. They created mortal humans. Watching the humans interact was fun at first but it was like watching a movie over and over. Something was still missing. They needed to be a part of the scenario. They needed to be encapsulated inside the human and feel what they feel and experience their lives “on the stage”. Their method was brilliant. An entity would be planted inside an unborn child. The entity's memory would be erased leaving just the basic functions required for survival much like we reset a computer to factory settings. Now the entity would feel, see, taste, smell and touch everything the human does. (The movie AVATAR transferred the human into the Avatars body telepathically too.) The entities Loved the drama and excitement of a new beginning. Starting over in a new form from birth to death. Tasting, smelling, feeling the emotions both high and lows, living the challenge of surviving in a harsh environment. Their craving for excitement was fulfilled. They did install a few warning tools to help preserve the human from danger. A sixth sense comes in handy. They also installed different levels of fear. The lower levels included stage fright, fear of rejection, the fear of losing along with stronger fears like the fear of death. The fear of death is the lock on the door that keeps them on stage. Otherwise, the human would choose to die rather than fight. Simply take the easy way out. The entities understood “what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.” and they wanted their mortal shells to fight and survive. That is why they keep the step past death a secret to their mortal shells. We fear the unknown and we don't know what happens when we die. Do we just float in space? Do we just stop existing? Do we enter another living form like an ant or a frog?Are there levels of lives that we graduate to? Can we be demoted for quitting early? Can we skip a grade by excelling in this life?... The entities made it plain to us that suicide is a very permanent solution to a temporary problem. Our fear tells us there are consequences for quitting the game early. Also they built in a few moral, or ethical rules needed for the humans to survive in a society. These tweaks can be over ridden by the entity at their discretion. That keeps them with a free will. 

Let the games begin.

 The people sensed there was something inside of them. They also sensed there were super powers that created everything. They named the thing inside of them a soul  (among other names) and the super powers were their gods. Through the ages, people from around the world have developed forms of religion. Often describing Gods, spirits, heaven and hell. The Greeks and Romans had several Gods from supreme beings to half God, half human and even creatures that are half animal and half human. The entities were alive. There was so much drama and uncontrolled violence for them to experience and emotions they hadn't felt for a very long time. Life was fun for the entities. Egos clashed and mental problems developed among both man and the gods. They both found they could have compassion towards someone with a broken leg and want to help them but someone with a broken mind just pissed them off. Those that didn't see things their way were their enemies. 
 Life was becoming simpler and more complex. Entities were circumventing the rules of memory deletion and began taking a short-cut to the full grown human form and breeding with the mortals. Their offspring held great powers in a human body. Many of their half human offspring became leaders in society . Many Pharaohs were looked upon as Gods. Many rulers were believed to have superhuman powers. Other creatures were also created. Flying dragons, multi headed dogs, wizards and monsters were polluting the population by creating a more diverse and inhuman offspring. That's not what the entities had in mind. Interactions between the entities and the humans was out of control. Excitement and drama was great but there had to be boundaries set. Uniformity was required for this game to survive.

a correction

Seeing the planet is out of control, the entities decided to make a change. Entities were no longer allowed to take a short-cut to human form and breed with the humans. All flora and fauna must follow a set method of progression. Genes could no longer be altered to create new species. Only natural mutations would be accepted. To restore some form of control to the situation, the entities created a human and claimed he was the son of God and there would be only one God from then on. This put the binders on the out of control lifestyle of the crazier entities and slowed the action down to a more controlled pace. The only entities allowed to interact with the humans were known as angels and their only mission was to inform humans of the new Gods word. They still have some drama but not as wild as before. Today we look at the Greek and Roman religions as myths but the truth is, “We don't know.” Because it's hard for us to imagine Pan, Medusa and flying dragons. Maybe we can't rationally imagine them but that doesn't mean they didn't exist. If the entities can create heaven and earth, I bet they could create anything they could imagine. Even fire breathing flying dragons. I wonder why they kept the Platypus and not the Unicorn. The Greek and Roman religions lasted for thousands of years and writings about their Gods have lasted through time along with the ruined temples built for worshiping them. People spent allot of Time, money and effort immortalizing these religions. Maybe they weren't myths?....A side note.... When the entities took the shortcut into a full grown human form without deleting their memories, they used a tool to help inject themselves into the body. This tool left a mark just below the eyebrow along the outside of the eye. For some unknown reason, this mark continued showing up on their offspring from the human relationships. The mark has continued and is continuing today in their descendants. These gifted offspring have extra sensory perception among other abilities along with a high I.Q. … They are capable of clairvoyance, mental telepathy and several other gifts from their entity parent. Unfortunately, these gifts are like any other muscle and must be developed at a young age or they atrophy and fade away. Just for grins, look in the mirror and see if you have a mark just below your eyebrow near the corner of your eye. During the dark ages, this was known as the mark of the devil. Witches and warlocks were known to have the mark and “super powers”... Think about it....

Breaking the rules

 Eons past from the stone age to the bronze age. A few millennia past between the bronze age and the industrial age. A few centuries past from the industrial age to the computer age. A few decades past between the computer age and the internet and super computer age. Today, new profound technologies are being discovered every few months. Progress is at hyper speed. The entities may be behind the miracles we see. More drama... More fun?....They love fast and loose thrills, excitement and stress. Who can say what they are doing.


Ghosts and spirits roaming the earth may be entities that have lost their human host but aren't quite ready to quit the party. Stories are told around the world about encounters with ghosts and haunted houses. Are they not willing to take the next step? Maybe they just can't accept “game over”. Maybe the entities are so engrossed in their life “on stage” that they simply can't accept the fact that it's over.... Much like we become so engrossed in a good book or movie, that it's a downer for us when it's completed. Maybe it didn't finish to their satisfaction. Main thing, there's been way too many reports of ghosts and UFO's and the supernatural for us to simply claim them all as false. We have come a long way but we haven't discovered the answers to everything yet.


 Mankind has progressed to an unexpected level. Today mankind is busy deciphering the genetic code, editing the DNA to repair birth defects and to eradicate some diseases. Stem cell therapy is curing allot of physical maladies. Along with combining computerized technology in artificial limbs, pace makers and a sundry of  other methods of incorporating computerized robotics into the human anatomy. Are we becoming androids? Humanoids? How far will we be meshed with computerized robotics and still be human? Computerized robots are already becoming our workforce. There's no job in the near future that a robot will not be able to do better than a human. In the age of robots, how will we know who has a soul? How will we know who is a human and who is a robot? Will we see it in their eyes. Will we just sense it? 

What goes around...

 Scientists are rewiring the brain with new technology allowing us to connect with other computers telepathically. We could call it blue tooth? Will we have twelve years of schooling on a chip implanted in our heads? What else can we put on a chip and plant in our minds?
 They also have sped up the aging process in Salmon so a salmon will age three times faster that a normal Salmon

. If they can speed up the aging process, they are a step away from slowing it down. Maybe even stopping the aging process... Another word for stopping the aging process is “immortality”. Now who will have access to immortality? I'll give you a hint. The very rich.
The rich immortals will have a problem with the unemployed mortals that are using up the natural resources, polluting the environment and breeding like rats. How will they deal with them? How will they distinguish the real human mortals from the androids or whatever else that is running around?
Science will keep snowballing at hyper speed until the humans have found a way to shed their human form and become like their creators. Will the entities earthly form return them to their natural form before the games began? Will they once more become entities?.. Have fun and enjoy the ride....

We, you and I, are the entities.... We are addicted to the activity and seek more... Our forefathers lived a slower pace with fewer modes of entertainment. Today, we as a whole, spend our waking moments interacting with our cell phones, computers and TV's. Our attention span has shrunk to seconds opposed to our ancestors who could spend hours, even days, concentrating on one subject. We get bored and change the channel without giving the plot time to thicken. We, as a whole, are nearing the end of the ride yet we can't take the time to look down the road far enough to see it coming.... Maybe it's for the best.....

P.S. You can use this thought to write a book, make a movie or start a new religion.... Your choice... It's free for you to use as you see fit.... Have fun

dustyguy 3 Oct 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Too long and probably filled with nonsense if you can’t condense the ideas into about three paragraphs!

At a cursory glance it just looks like another creation myth, but it’s not compelling enough to read at that length.

Write an abstract to see if it grabs anyone’s attention

thanks for the thought...


I like your first paragraph very much but can’t seem to force myself to read the whole thing.

no biggy.... some time when you're not doing anything... try reading bthe whole thing... It's about ten minutes long....

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