Today Karen and I hiked 6.3 miles with 2,000' of elevation gain at Sage Hills Trails in the foothills of Wenatchee.
Karen brought Chloe, her neighbor's Golden Retriever who lacks outdoor exercise. The owner never takes her for a walk. The poor dog anxiously chews off her hair. She looked dessicated with little muscle from lack of exercise.
On the trail, Chloe was joyfully gamboling about with a constantly wagging tail. It was wonderful to see.
Karen and I ate lunch on a grassy hill, gazing at the snowy Enchantments, Glacier Peak and the Wenatchee Mountains.
We both groaned starting the final uphill climb to the car after a long, steep descent. "It's like ending a marathon at the top of of a hill," Karen said. "Torture."
"My legs!" I moaned and laughed. "At least it's short."
Wenatchee Mountains.
Glacier Peak, 10,000'.
Enchantments, 8,000'.
There was hazy smoke from a brushfire east of Wenatchee.
No snow?
In the foothills, we weren't high enough for snow. There's snow in the mountains.
Today's high was 45 degrees.
6,200’ here, and we’ve still got snow - it got close to 32 degrees this evening, so the Halloween parade was good, and I had an opportunity to meet with a Democratic candidate for the US House of Representatives before hand, so it was a good evening!