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QUESTION Scandinavian Nonbelievers, Which Is Not to Say Atheists - The New York Times

When religion is a private, rather than public thing.

TXLarry 5 Mar 23

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Australia used to be like that, to the point where I described our national religion as Apathism, don't know don't care. But since our politicians have started importing ideas (and direct quotes) from the Tea Party and similar loons our evangelicals have felt emboldened to infect our political processes and the rest of the country.

Sorry to hear that, I was thinking of moving to Australia about 20 years ago.

@TXLarry We still lag behind the US in all ways, good and bad, except health and public education, where we lag behind Britain instead.

@TXLarry You should have. I came here in 1973 and it was very good in almost every respect. Not so much now.


Scandinavians are very intent on making the best of their situation for themselves and their fellow citizens. I have a young Norwegian coupled that I consider close friends. Their love and compassion for their family and fellow citizens is definitely to be admired. They talk openly of their atheism but perhaps they are the exception.


I can absolutely understand how they feel. These are the kinds of revelations and accounts that need to be more widely publicized. The Scandinavian are far ahead of us in many regards.

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